Sunday 16 May 2010

Reviews and stuff

The Siege Perilous (Nate from Rot In Hell, XcanaanX etc)

Grazes demo

The gentlemen from Grazes kindly emailed me their demo last week for review after they happened upon this blog. Once again I know absolutely nothing about this band, never even heard their name around...but that’s probably more to do with me being a hermit than these guys not making a name. Short sharp punk rock blasts here, which to these ears sounds like The Final Plan or Panic without the mosh parts, a dash of Sabbath in the riffs department mixed with a soussant of that San Diego/Gravity records loose and frantic sound. I don’t have any lyrics for these songs but they have a track called kestrel For A Knave, Kes reference will earn you points. Someone has clearly pissed on the singers chips....he’s got a wicked voice that reminds me of Dave Claibourne from Unbroken, but more ragged and throaty. His phrasing is a little off in places which can sound a tad clumsy but thats a minor detail. The drummers got skills but his kit sounds overproduced,notably the kickdrum which appears to be triggered to fuck and sounds like Fear Factory or summat. I think a more organic drum sound would suit this lot better. Wouldn’t mind catching Grazes live,just as long as they smash the shit out of the crowd, their instruments and themselves in blind, breathless, cathartic rage. Edit: Just had a quick peep at their myspace, and it would appear the guitar player has got a lasses jumper on. Make of that what you will but they should be glad i didn’t see that until after i’d written the review!

Thanks, It Came As A Set

This is an amazing new demo straight from the depths of Sheffield. Grazes play hardcore how it should be... fast and aggressive.
They also have the best influences listed on their page that I've seen for a while... Black Flag, Swing Kids, Joy Division and "Trying to grow facial hair"
You can't really go wrong with that!

A brief, yet exciting glimpse of what's to come.

This Music Is My Life

Firstly, apologies to people who actually read this. Ive been super busy/slack but its Easter sunday and ive got nothing to do so here are some bands you should check out!
Grazes are the first band of hopefully many who messaged me and liked the blog and wanted me to upload their first release which came out only recently. From Sheffield they play Hardcore Punk that i cant put my finger on but its really good. Fast, growling and harsh vocals, riffz, some stomping parts and some great basslines. I cant say at all who i think they sound like but im sure you can. I need to either put this band on or go and see them soon. This is a shit post but im struggling to come up with what to say about Grazes so ill let their music do the talking: if you like this buy it HERE:
Thanks guys for putting me onto your band. Good stuff.

A Short Fanzine About Rocking

GRAZES – ‘Demo’ (self-released) NICK

Four tracks of fast and furious hardcore punk that you really should check out here, courtesy of this ace-sounding new Sheffield/Middlesbrough-based outfit. Each number blasts by in impressively ferocious style, with some quality harsh, vein-popping vocals courtesy of singer Ben, while there’s also a cool borderline-rock’n’roll vibe in evidence on both ‘A Kestrel for a Knave’ and ‘Tash Up’. The slow-burning discordant mid-section on ‘Grand Guignol’ brings a touch of something new to the table, but does nothing to detract from the intense rage that makes this demo such a great listen. Well worth picking up, so head over to to buy a copy on tape, or go to to have a listen.

Their fast beats, punky-screamo vocals and catchy guitar riffs can only take your mind to crazy and loud places. I must say, I’m not one for this sort of music myself, but this band has something about them that make you want to keep listening. I have reviewed many young bands that are just starting out over the past few months, and I have to say that this band are one of those that I’ve enjoyed the most. Their sound is so different to what I normally hear. It’s original and very fast paced. This band makes hardcore and punk come together to create something original that you will want to jump around to.

Their first song entitled ‘Cotard’s Delusion’ starts off the demo nicely. As the voice behind the band kicks in you suddenly imagine loads of fans screaming along to the words whilst throwing their arms around. Imagine you’re on the motorway trying to get away from the cops. You hit 100, 110, 120mph. Windows down, heads being knocked around everywhere in your Mini Cooper. Well this demo would be your soundtrack!

The second song, ‘A Kestrel for a Knave’ starts off with the continuously fast beats and simple guitar riffs with the screamy punk vocals, making it hard for you not to admire the demo this band have achieved. The last two songs, ‘Tash Up’ and ‘Grand Guignol’ have a very similar style and sound to the first two but also have that slight change in which you can identify which song is which. The third song is pretty short at only 1 minute 9 seconds long, and so you get to the end thinking, ‘’WHERE IS THE REST!?’’ and needing more of the adrenaline rush that it gives.

I could sit here and continue to tell you about how much energy these guys have contributed into their songs, but I now think it’s time that you checked them out and made up your own mind! They have one track from their demo on their myspace, ‘A Kestrel for a Knave’. Give it a listen and add these guys! They have a few shows listed. See their page for more info! (no mention of Hot Cross or anything San Diego related on the website, which was a disappointment)

Thursday 13 May 2010

Two shows in one day

We are playing at the punx picnic in Leeds and then heading over to Nottingham to play with Said & Done and Never Again

Sold half the demos in a month! New songs + new releases on the way

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Souled Out

Its been an odd few days.

Dan from Nerves pointed this out to me to which we were utterly clueless about. However we were up for playing this show so I emailed the venue to which they sent us a reply about having to sign a contract and sell tickets.

So yesterday me and Jake went to pick up the tickets and sign the contract before an exam on culture that we had. We arrived late to the exam because we decided to play fifa while Jake was cooking a fish finger sandwich. I then got a £35 parking fine for being ten minutes late after my exam. Not fun.

Later on Jake saw this, which is pretty odd.

Anyway, I've never really listened to either band and have no idea what sort of people turn out to their shows so it'd be mint if there were some familiar faces/people in to us. You can get tickets here and we'll probably give whoever orders them some free stuff too as an added incentive. Also, its probably the cheapest place you'll able to get them on the internet as we're not putting on a booking fee or anything.

If you're from Sheffield/Leeds/Barnsley you can get them from us in person. We'll probably sell them at shows too.

I have no idea why I'm making this out to be a big deal because I'm pretty sure its not and no one will bother turning up. Anyway, it'd be mint if people who was in to our music actually came out to this.


email if you want one or message us on myspace

Saturday 8 May 2010

Hit Time

Kourosh at Hit Time Records has bought some tapes off us for his distro. So if you want a tape you can get them from him. We've sold half our tapes. if you want one, get them here

Tuesday 4 May 2010


we've just played some shows with Gascoigne from Holland. Its been mental! We played in Dan out of Mouth's basement on Sunday and then in some weird little room in Newcastle on monday. Today we're playing the Stockroom with Gascoigne, Unkind and Cry Havoc. We played the Stockroom the other week with Never Again, Closure, Death Job and Nerves and it was mental!
Here's some pictures from Barnsley the other week